It would fit in well with a retro game, or something fast paced
It would fit in well with a retro game, or something fast paced
Exotic change to what you expect in the western world. AKA, I have the same commentary as the guy below me
The Latin elements really shine by the 2 minute mark. I bet my Latino homies approve, and so do I 👨🏽👍🏽
Thank you for the review.
Just started listening to the heavier stuff, but I love this!
Personally, not a big fanatic of FNF, but this kicks ass 7 ways to Sunday
Hell yeah, brother! Always happy to be the exception
Welcome to an eargasm
Dank patties
Those promises were kept that day, brother
Personally, I dislike longer songs, but this is an energetic banger
Beautiful, this could blend in well with a sci-fi adventure game
I don't listen to dubstep often, but is my reminder to do so
I only made a Newgrounds account just so I can review nostalgic content before flash dies. I've been on Newgrounds since 2014, left, and returned in 2017. I just didn't have an account back then. Might as well stay.
What do you think?
Nothing Productive
In University - Slowly Rotting
47.1914947, -52.83717224
Joined on 12/21/20