Habe you seen 5 stars?
Habe you seen 5 stars?
We didn't know we were making memories, we were just having fun
- Winnie the Pooh
Flash is gone, but our hearts will forever treasure what memories of games and animations we had. The internet just isn't the same with adobe flash player. Keep in touch, everyone
It's my birthday today
We didn't know we were making memories, we were just having fun
- Winnie the Pooh
Stand together, brothers and sisters. Flash is gone, but our hearts will forever treasure what memories of games and animations we had. The internet just isn't the same with adobe flash player. Amen, and keep in touch, everyone
I only made a Newgrounds account just so I can review nostalgic content before flash dies. I've been on Newgrounds since 2014, left, and returned in 2017. I just didn't have an account back then. Might as well stay.
What do you think?
Nothing Productive
In University - Slowly Rotting
47.1914947, -52.83717224
Joined on 12/21/20